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Copy Paste System-Make Money The Lazy Way Buy Paul Ponna

To profit from these little known money makers...
You DO NOT require "Education" - Any one who can simply copy and paste can profit from our profit pulling systems and campaigns.
You DO NOT require "Luck"- The campaigns we are handing you today are proven to work time and again. Luck is not a factor...
You DO NOT require "Talent" - We will give you everything you need to start making money. You do not need to do anything new.
You DO NOT require "Youth" - Our systems can be used and understood by any one regardless of age, gender or sex!
You DO NOT require "Experience" - You can profit from our systems even if you are a complete newbie. It's as easy as copy, paste and replicate!
So, what is required...? Belief. Enough to absorb what we will show you. Enough to put the principles in action.

If you do that - nothing more, nothing less - the results will be hard to believe. Just remember you learnt it here, and share it with others!
You're about to find out how anyone can achieve similar results as shown above by just copying our already successful money pulling systems, software, templates, and campaigns!

Read every single word below because this thing really can change your life...

Introducing Copy Paste Systems...

Dear Friend,
If you think the above claims sound like more of what the "gurus" show you, you're right...
With one exception, these results are achievable and easier than you think.
In fact, we have spent hundreds of hours in research to dig out these diamonds in the rough that generate money day in and day out. Even during an economic down turn and holidays, just like clockwork. Tick tock ...Tick Tock...
These exact profit pulling campaigns we are giving you today have generated thousands of dollars in affiliate sales in the past few months. No kidding (see the proof on this page)!
We will prove it to you... By the time you leave this page, you will see how our ready-made campaigns can make money for you even if you are a total newbie, unmotivated, lazy, and lack direction.
We are giving away the "secret sauce" if you may...
You will get access to everything - the software, the exact ads, the keywords, the landing pages and the "secret" money magnets that pull hundreds of visitors to your site for less than one cent / click.
Note: Our systems does not involve common strategies such as article marketing, google adwords and other run-of-the-mill strategies and tactics. What you will learn will blow your mind!
FOUR "easy to follow steps" to replicate our phenomenal results...
In just few easy steps you can penetrate niche markets you never knew existed, drive hoards of targeted traffic for pennies or less, and make sales for any product you choose at will without needing a massive email list...
In fact, you don't even need marketing or html experience to replicate these results..
Watch this *SHOCKING* unedited footage of some of our profit pulling accounts...

FREE Video -
Watch us login to some of our profit pulling account LIVE.

Here are some hardcore facts 90% of the people tend to ignore ...

"Every 4 out of 5 people online fail to succeed."

Because they do not follow the "simple" patterns that the gurus and online success stories have discovered.

Almost always, the "newbies" and less experienced marketers get carried away with information overload...
Sorting through the clutter many marketers forget or in some cases lose focus of the "proven money makers" that generate money every day...

What most of us need is "ready made systems" that give us the fish rather than the pole to catch the fish.
We all need someone to hold us by the hand to show us the exact laser targeted systems that are proven to work...
The incredible opportunity knocking at your door today does just that - we give away everything, the naked TRUTH. Nothing more, nothing less!

No fluff, No half measures, No more lies...
What you see is what you get!
Imagine what some additional disposable income each month can do for you...

"End to financial problems" - put an end to all money worries, provide abundance for your family, and secure your financial future...
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"Pay bills with EASE" - You no longer owe anyone anything, be in total control every day, round the year!
"Work from anywhere" - no more constrain to the smelly cubicles, or the stressful office environment. Work from the comfort of your home, right from your bed!
"Work at your own pace" - no more deadlines. Simple and easy!  

I understand that you see claims like these all the time. But wait and think for a minute. If I am wrong all you will loose is a couple of hours of your time...
But what if I am right?

See what our private coaching members had to say about just ONE of our systems...

click this out: CopyPasteSystems.Com

Earn money while helping others grow their online business...

Keyword research can really make or break a niche site. With 10 years of experience in this is something I do very well.
From what I've done all the keyword research so that these toolkits niche.
You get a CSV file with at least 2,000 of the sentences (sentences and phrases nested) for the place with an estimated monthly searches.
As you can imagine, just a list of keywords is not always helpful. So I'm going to give you ideas for structuring your site.
I can include ideas for building a large site complete with categories, as well as smaller sites around a single category or even a group of keywords.
It also gives you a list of keywords that can be converted into article topics (people love these and based on my experience, these items do very well in search engines).
And I'll give you a list of keywords that have low competition.
I note that a fact misleading when it comes to competition in the search engines is that there is no keyword tool is intelligent enough to evaluate their real competition. The problem is that you actually need to visit the best sites to find out how competitive the market.
You have to see the quality of the sites that are already of high rank.
You have to look the way they have backlinks and quality backlinks.
As you can see, this really is not a piece of software that can tell you. So let me give you a summary of my opinion on the general level of competence for the place.
And as you probably heard, quality content is the main thing to consider when creating a niche site.
So let me give you a brief list of the best sites for use as a resource when writing your content.
If you are outsourcing, then you can give this list out to the writer. This will ensure that they are using the best sites for investigation.
Also, no matter how you'll get traffic to your niche site, whether SEO, social networking, forums, etc. .. you need to excel. It is not always enough to have articles written about generic keywords.
Especially if you decide you want # 1 ranking for a phrase in the competition (and why not?).
In these cases, sometimes it takes a little more.
So I'll give you ideas for content that will help make your website outstanding. I call this magnetic content, but also may have heard this kind of content is described as bait or viral content link.
Whatever you want to call it, with content like this on your website will help when it comes time to promote your site the place, and attracts visitors 

click this out:  NicheLaboratories.Com

The World’s Best Selling Authors Pull Back The Curtain On The Exact Blueprint

Five Reasons Why You Should Write A Book
  • You Gain Instant Respect And Admiration – Published authors are perceived by the public almost like celebrities, who have achieved a goal that few people can. This automatically creates a feeling of respect and admiration in those who hear your name.
  • It Leads To Increased Business – One of the key reasons anyone will do business with you is because of your credibility. The number one way to improve your credibility is to write a book. It Will Multiply Your Income – Aside from the revenue that you can generate through selling your books, you can also charge higher hourly fees for appearances, services or consultations simply because your level of credibility and knowledge is higher than those who are not published authors.
  • It Opens The Door To Opportunities – People call upon the help of published authors more than just about anyone else because they have proven that they not only have specialized knowledge on a specific topic, but they are capable of using that knowledge to help others.
  • It Separates You From The Rest – In the expert industry where everyone is striving to be a guru, the published authors are the ones that most people view as true experts.
Seven Reasons Why You Should Avoid Publishing Houses And Self Publish Instead
  • It Doesn’t Guarantee Success – Only 5% of authors who have books with publishing companies sell more than 500 books. That’s a pretty grim statistic.
  • It Takes Too Long – Getting a book published with a publishing house can take up to (or even more than) a year after you’ve completed the writing.
  • You’re A Needle In A Haystack - Most publishing houses have thousands of manuscripts just like yours sitting on their desks waiting to be reviewed. Why wait on the long line when you can jump right in the front?
  • You’ll Make More Money – When working with a publishing house or literary agent, you’ll only get paid between 10 to 15% of overall book sales. Why get paid only 15% of something that you put 100% effort into?
  • You’re Still On Your Own – Even though the publishing house has agreed to get your book into stores (where it sits among thousands of other books just like it), they will not promote it in any other way. That’s still your job.
  • Your Options Are Restricted – Even though you still have to promote the book independently, you cannot sell it directly to any organization and keep the profits for yourself as it would likely violate the terms of your contract with the publishing company.
  • Your Book Could Drastically Change – Often times publishing houses will change the design, titles, direction and the overall vision of a book once they agree to publish it. Do you really want to spend a year waiting for someone to publish your book only so they can completely change it?
But isn’t self publishing very expensive and frowned upon by other authors?
That’s a valid question. And most people who aren’t aware of self publishing ask it because (as I mentioned in paralyzing hurdle #2) they FALSELY assume that a publishing house is their best option.
Well what would you say if I told you that I could show you a way to:
  • Publish a book for pennies on the dollar
  • Publish a book that would put 10 times more money in your pocket then you ever would ever make as an author with a publishing deal
  • Utilize the same simple system that Bill Quain used to sell more than 2 million books worldwide WITHOUT a publishing house
  • Gain you the same amount of credibility as authors who work with publishing houses with MORE control
Would I have your attention if I could show something that does all of those things and more?
Because that’s exactly what Bill Quain and I have created in our revolutionary new publishing blueprint.
Introducing “The Instant Author System” By Best Selling Authors Mike Litman And Bill Quain

This program consists of a 80 page electronic manual (available for digital download immediately) and 45 minute instructional audio presentation.
Here’s a snapshot of what will be revealed:
  • The top mistakes that first-time authors make and how to avoid those pitfalls
  • The truth about what it takes to be a successful author in today’s market
  • How to have your book completely written in less than 30 days
  • Our secret outline method that makes writing your book simple, easy and painless
  • The key words that need to appear on the cover of your book that turn prospects into buyers
  • How to create a book cover design that will captivate those who view it on Amazon and
  • How to take everything you know about a certain topic and transfer it from thoughts circulating in your head into moneymaking products and services
  • Fiction & Non-Fiction Principles – What you will learn in this program will be just as powerful if you write fiction books, as it if you write nonfiction books
  • The Single Success Key – Here Bill will share the one thing that every book simply must have in order for it to sell.
  • Turnkey Publishing Tools – Here you’ll learn about a place where you can get a complete set of publishing tools for mere pennies on the dollar which will help you publish your book at an extremely rapid rate
  • How to research your niche and position your information so your book stands out from the rest
  • The one single difference between successful authors and those that fail; this will be the key determining factor in whether or not you actually achieve your goal
  • How to write and publish and sell a book for less than $25
  • The key to ensuring that your book is completed when you want it to be, as opposed to sitting on the back burner for months on end
  • Bill’s top 10 tips for writing superfast – These are the same tips he used to write 18 books!
  • How to produce world-class books simply and easily using Mike Litman’s “1-10 Technique”
  • The truth about the three types of publishing and how you can leverage each one of them to your advantage
  • Five steps to the biggest selling secret of all, which when applied correctly can have you selling books without even trying. And when applied incorrectly will result in you never selling one single copy
  • 13 powerful techniques for nonfiction writers
  • How your website can generate revenue from your book around the clock – even while you sleep.
  • And Much, Much More!
  • click this out:  InstantAuthorSystem.Com

make money buying and selling

Keyword Research - Been there done that ... No?
Maybe not ... because we think we've completely reinvented and producedmost game-changing Internet marketing tools from the persecutor of the word camemany years ago.
As you know, the tools for keyword research usually work in it a little "well ... this:
You provide a seed keyword.
The tool begins to find as many related "keywords, as it can.
Wait for the tool.
Select the keywords that interests you for further analysis of SEO and PPCcompetition, etc.
The key words to pass the previous step are usually manually looked to seewhat is the competitive landscape.
Hopefully, 'a kind of' encounter with one or two keywords you can use.... And all is well. However, we could do better.
And what we have.
The introduction of IMeye ...A revolutionary new way to find profitable niche markets and so the key wordresearch "smart" and do not trust you to find decent work opportunities by accident!
What about tools like Keywordspy and Spyfu etc? It IMeye like?Of course not.
IMeye uses a proprietary method of collection of the best keywords out there, doing all theanalysis and research on them (even before you start looking !!(?)) ... and thenstores them in a huge database ready for use.
Spyfu Keywordspy and really work like any other keyword tool ... in other words, they do not do the analysis for you in the same way ... and you still need some kind of "Seed" if it's a domain or a keyword or something ... can not have find opportunities for keywords without pointing in one direction. What we are basically saying is this ....

The difference is that with IMEye ... You do not find words ... you are!
The most amazing thing is IMeye you do not need any of the following ...
You do not need seed keywords.
You do not have to wade through 80-90% of the keywords are rubbish ...
You no longer have to wait while the tool feel and stir through analysis.
You do not need to look at keywords that are obviously too expensive to use PPC.
You do not have to see which keywords are too competitive to fast forward with SEO.
You can only ask for what you want ... IMeye and immediately will deliver.
You no longer need to stumble in the dark with the hope of bumping into profitabilitykeywords ... Attention IMeye shine directly on them.
So what kind of data is stored IMeye for each keyword phrase?
Number of searches
Number of pages competing in Google
Number of "intitle" pages in Google competition
Number of words in the keyword phrase

2. Adwords bid estimates: the highest, and a "click cheaper," a
Top 10 websites in the rankings of Google search engine
AdWords ads that are running
What Clickbank products are initiated with this keyword phrase
They offer membership categories have been promoted with this keyword phrase
Flags that identify:
- If physical goods are sold for this keyword
- If there is any "exact" current domain matches in the top 10 of SERPS
- For advice on the top 10 of SERPS
- In case of youtube in the top 10 of SERPS
- If Amazon's top 10 of SERPS
- If Yahoo Answers in the top 10 of SERPS
- If Squidoo, Hubpages and Blogspot in the top 10 of SERPS... And that's just the beginning. Imagine being able to create queries quickly and intelligently simple
using any of these criteria!
Let's look at a real-world uses of IMeye ...

1. Say you wanted to build an empire Adsense... I would ask him to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Pages competition <50,000
Intitle competition pages <10,000
There are no exact domains in the top 10 SERPS
No videos youtube in the top 10 SERPS
There Squidoo lenses in the top 10 SERPS
No Hubpages in the top 10 SERPS
No Blogspot sites in the top 10 SERPS
Adwords highest bid estimate> $ 5.00Find keywords that meet these criteria will allow you to quickly create AdSense websitesin the domain of exact match and the qualified quickly, and ... as they have to have highAdwords offers ... will have great Google Adsense payments.

Just get an exact domain, throw up some articles and adsense ads, do some link building,rinse and repeat ... and you can build an incredible income from Adsense autopilot this way.

2. Next ... if you want to concentrate on Super PROFITABLE niche e-commerceWe own and have seen tons of highly profitable e-commerce sites and they all have one thingin common ... They were not the first to sell something online in that place!The chance to find something profitable to sell online than anyone else are sold ...
so ... close to zero ... and why bother anyway?If you can find niches where people already making money, but ... where you can use yourInternet marketing expertise to compete aggressively ... that all is well. IMeye can directyou can go to these opportunities.
In this case, would be asked to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Competing pages <500,000
Intitle competition pages <50,000
Tangible assets are being sold for this keywordThis will give you keyword phrases that get enough traffic, which is able to compete inwith SEO, and where people are already selling the goods. Then you could get there and haveon the market.
On the other hand ... If you do not have the patience for SEO ... and want to use Google Adwordsto drive traffic immediately ask to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume is greater than 150,000
Adwords CPC are <$ 0.20
Tangible assets are being sold for this keyword

These queries are cheap clicks where there is sufficient volume to get 100 visitors perone or two days and where others are selling products online. The idea would be to not swoop inand take control!
Next ... increase the income of affiliate marketing and finding new opportunities. For example ...

3. In search of a new SEO project to increase and diversify their income?I would ask him to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Pages competition <500,000
Intitle competition pages <50,000

You take a look at the results and then sort in descending order of searchvolume. I think some gems stay there? Oh, yes they will.
Or ... Let's say you want to find some opportunities click cheap, you would ask to give IMeyethat key phrases:
The monthly search volume is greater than 150,000
Adwords "cheap click" CPC <0.20

You could then have the results and sort in ascending order of the CPC. You will findVast untapped traffic sources that can be used for any number of affiliate marketingprojects!

4. Wants to market a product through Clickbank SEO?
You choose keywords competencies "for asking Clickbank products IMeyegiving key phrases:
Others have used the keyword phrase to market the product CB interest (for example,Fatloss4idiots)
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Pages competition <500,000
Intitle competition pages <50,000Then sort them all you want and right in the best everthe greatest volume and less competition.

5. Have an affiliate offer (for example, offer Azoogle CPA) you want to promote throughAdwords?
You choose keywords competencies "for categories of affiliate offer askingIMeye to give key phrases:
Others have used the keyword phrase in the market class (eg, acne)
The monthly search volume is greater than 150,000
Adwords "cheap click" CPC <0.15You are now searching keywords shown to have an adequate and are cheap enough toto buy traffic and make money ... simple as that.

And that's just the beginning ...
Not much more than IMeye and many other ways you can use this tool. Trying toto put a document together with all its uses would be like trying to document all usesa hammer!
But I hope this gives you a great idea of ​​flexible, comprehensive and incredibly powerfulthis tool is and how easy it could be used to dramatically increase your subscribersonline revenue.
Now for the important part ...

click this out:  Imeye.Org

WP Simplicity affiliate area

WP Simplicity Plugin is an amazing blogging tool, which allows you to leverage your time and put your  income on autopilot. It is developed with the most advanced features to offer time-saving solutions and transform blog into an automated money making machine.

Now you can skyrocket your website traffic and make you more money from every WordPress sites you have – with just a few clicks. It’s simple, install WP Simplicity Plugin on any new wordpress blog and let WP Simplicity do all of the work for you.

It will even work with all of your already existing blogs so you can automatically add new quality content that will have the search engines constantly crawling your website and sending you massive amounts of free traffic.

Regardless of what niche you are in or what online business you are into, WP Simplicity is an easy to use blogging tool that takes care of those time-consuming tasks and automates your blogging. With the WP Simplicity Plugin, everything becomes easy:
  • You Do Not Need To waste anymore time setting up blogs
  • You Do Not Need To spend hours and hours creating contents
  • You Do Not Need To worry about contents duplication or copyright issues
  • You Do Not Need To spend hours installing plugins one by one
  • You Do Not Need To bother about search engine optimization
  • You Do Not Need To hire any freelancer to write posts for you
  • You Do Not Need To work very hard blogging for real cash at all!

You can take the easy path to making money online with your blogs. It’s as simple as just selecting a few options on blog and watching the transformation happening in real time.

“In Few Moments from Now That You Start to Use This Plugin, You Will Never Regret Landing on This page…”
You will now be able to start to enjoying the freedom of never having to waste anymore of your time attacking your WP dashboard, manually setting up your blogs, creating new blog content, or trying to get visitors to your websites. I mean the ” real players” in the blogging world just focus on getting thousands and thousands of prospects to their websites using this smart tool and best of all it is all done automatically for you.

WP Simplicity Creates New Landmark Among Other WordPress Plugins In The Market
You can easily turn your new and existing blogs to cash machines with this magic WordPress plugin.
WP Simplicity helps anyone quickly set-up content rich WordPress blogs that are ready to cash in money, even if you have no blogging experience and zero technical skill. It’s simple, just install the plugin and let it do all the work for you.

Now you can do 5 hours worth of work in just a few seconds time with only a few clicks of the mouse, saving you time and effort!
WP Simplicity eliminates the headache of creating and managing WordPress sites.

Below are the unique features that make it WP Simplicity Plugin stands out:

  • True “one-click” installation and activation of pre-loaded over 140 latest most used and rated WordPress plugins.
  • Access for users to add their own favorite WordPress plugins from their portfolio in a matter of a few seconds. You can add loads and loads of popular plugins.
  • One-click automatic set up of preset search engines friendly permalinks for the purpose of search engine optimization (SEO) and also pre-configures all your sidebar settings.
  • Automatically laid out and configured the basic pages such as About us, Contact us, Privacy policy and Sitemap. All of this with content!
  • Total control over contents posted on your blogs. You decide, plan, manage or edit your blog contents and the layout you prefer which boost your site ranking and position in search engines.
  • Create automated, targeted posts that are relevant to the niche you are targeting by in-putting a single keyword. It generates keyword rich articles from which you can simply select which content you like.
  • Create video post for any targeted keyword of your choice. You can have WP Simplicity insert video post from YouTube with the video title, descriptions using your targeted keywords. 
  • Instant content creation with on-topic photos and images.
  • Easily promote products from Clickbank and earn cool affiliate commission. With this plugin, you can enhance your post by promoting Clickbank products relating to your blog niche with your Clickbank ID. Products can be selected using different criteria such as gravity, popularity, keyword relevance, etc.
  • Earn commission with Amazon products. You can easily create post with as many Amazon products as you want with the keyword you choose and earn commission for every sale made from your referral.
  • Targeted auction items from Ebay. Earning from eBay is made simple with this plugin as it has features to add auctions from eBay and make money as a result. Easy to use feature simply with your eBay ID.
  • Insert news about your blog niche. You can post latest news relating to your niche at any time of the day on your blog with this transforming plugin.
  • You don’t need to worry about copyright issues. WP Simplicity grabs contents which are allowed to be republished by its creators from official API programs!
  • Add map to any post created. You can choose to add map to post you want to create where necessary. The plugin make provision for you to make embedding of direction possible with your post.
  • One-Time Affiliate Link Set up. All product links from Clickbank, Amazon and Ebay are pre-loaded and populated with your affiliate links – so every time someone clicks through and buys something you will earn a commission.
  • It’s Quick and Easy to install… You don’t need to be a technical expert and it installs in minutes!
  • Instant Easy to Manage User friendly Backend. WP Simplicity comes with user-friendly backend that you can familiarize yourself with. No more waiting to access your user guide. You will start configuring and setting up your blog instantly after installation of the plugin. You don’t need any technical knowledge or background to manage the backend.
  • It’ compatible on all WordPress versions!
  • And much more…
  • click this out:  WPSimplicityPlus.Com