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Keyword Research - Been there done that ... No?
Maybe not ... because we think we've completely reinvented and producedmost game-changing Internet marketing tools from the persecutor of the word camemany years ago.
As you know, the tools for keyword research usually work in it a little "well ... this:
You provide a seed keyword.
The tool begins to find as many related "keywords, as it can.
Wait for the tool.
Select the keywords that interests you for further analysis of SEO and PPCcompetition, etc.
The key words to pass the previous step are usually manually looked to seewhat is the competitive landscape.
Hopefully, 'a kind of' encounter with one or two keywords you can use.... And all is well. However, we could do better.
And what we have.
The introduction of IMeye ...A revolutionary new way to find profitable niche markets and so the key wordresearch "smart" and do not trust you to find decent work opportunities by accident!
What about tools like Keywordspy and Spyfu etc? It IMeye like?Of course not.
IMeye uses a proprietary method of collection of the best keywords out there, doing all theanalysis and research on them (even before you start looking !!(?)) ... and thenstores them in a huge database ready for use.
Spyfu Keywordspy and really work like any other keyword tool ... in other words, they do not do the analysis for you in the same way ... and you still need some kind of "Seed" if it's a domain or a keyword or something ... can not have find opportunities for keywords without pointing in one direction. What we are basically saying is this ....

The difference is that with IMEye ... You do not find words ... you are!
The most amazing thing is IMeye you do not need any of the following ...
You do not need seed keywords.
You do not have to wade through 80-90% of the keywords are rubbish ...
You no longer have to wait while the tool feel and stir through analysis.
You do not need to look at keywords that are obviously too expensive to use PPC.
You do not have to see which keywords are too competitive to fast forward with SEO.
You can only ask for what you want ... IMeye and immediately will deliver.
You no longer need to stumble in the dark with the hope of bumping into profitabilitykeywords ... Attention IMeye shine directly on them.
So what kind of data is stored IMeye for each keyword phrase?
Number of searches
Number of pages competing in Google
Number of "intitle" pages in Google competition
Number of words in the keyword phrase

2. Adwords bid estimates: the highest, and a "click cheaper," a
Top 10 websites in the rankings of Google search engine
AdWords ads that are running
What Clickbank products are initiated with this keyword phrase
They offer membership categories have been promoted with this keyword phrase
Flags that identify:
- If physical goods are sold for this keyword
- If there is any "exact" current domain matches in the top 10 of SERPS
- For advice on the top 10 of SERPS
- In case of youtube in the top 10 of SERPS
- If Amazon's top 10 of SERPS
- If Yahoo Answers in the top 10 of SERPS
- If Squidoo, Hubpages and Blogspot in the top 10 of SERPS... And that's just the beginning. Imagine being able to create queries quickly and intelligently simple
using any of these criteria!
Let's look at a real-world uses of IMeye ...

1. Say you wanted to build an empire Adsense... I would ask him to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Pages competition <50,000
Intitle competition pages <10,000
There are no exact domains in the top 10 SERPS
No videos youtube in the top 10 SERPS
There Squidoo lenses in the top 10 SERPS
No Hubpages in the top 10 SERPS
No Blogspot sites in the top 10 SERPS
Adwords highest bid estimate> $ 5.00Find keywords that meet these criteria will allow you to quickly create AdSense websitesin the domain of exact match and the qualified quickly, and ... as they have to have highAdwords offers ... will have great Google Adsense payments.

Just get an exact domain, throw up some articles and adsense ads, do some link building,rinse and repeat ... and you can build an incredible income from Adsense autopilot this way.

2. Next ... if you want to concentrate on Super PROFITABLE niche e-commerceWe own and have seen tons of highly profitable e-commerce sites and they all have one thingin common ... They were not the first to sell something online in that place!The chance to find something profitable to sell online than anyone else are sold ...
so ... close to zero ... and why bother anyway?If you can find niches where people already making money, but ... where you can use yourInternet marketing expertise to compete aggressively ... that all is well. IMeye can directyou can go to these opportunities.
In this case, would be asked to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Competing pages <500,000
Intitle competition pages <50,000
Tangible assets are being sold for this keywordThis will give you keyword phrases that get enough traffic, which is able to compete inwith SEO, and where people are already selling the goods. Then you could get there and haveon the market.
On the other hand ... If you do not have the patience for SEO ... and want to use Google Adwordsto drive traffic immediately ask to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume is greater than 150,000
Adwords CPC are <$ 0.20
Tangible assets are being sold for this keyword

These queries are cheap clicks where there is sufficient volume to get 100 visitors perone or two days and where others are selling products online. The idea would be to not swoop inand take control!
Next ... increase the income of affiliate marketing and finding new opportunities. For example ...

3. In search of a new SEO project to increase and diversify their income?I would ask him to give IMeye key phrases:
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Pages competition <500,000
Intitle competition pages <50,000

You take a look at the results and then sort in descending order of searchvolume. I think some gems stay there? Oh, yes they will.
Or ... Let's say you want to find some opportunities click cheap, you would ask to give IMeyethat key phrases:
The monthly search volume is greater than 150,000
Adwords "cheap click" CPC <0.20

You could then have the results and sort in ascending order of the CPC. You will findVast untapped traffic sources that can be used for any number of affiliate marketingprojects!

4. Wants to market a product through Clickbank SEO?
You choose keywords competencies "for asking Clickbank products IMeyegiving key phrases:
Others have used the keyword phrase to market the product CB interest (for example,Fatloss4idiots)
The monthly search volume over 15,000
Pages competition <500,000
Intitle competition pages <50,000Then sort them all you want and right in the best everthe greatest volume and less competition.

5. Have an affiliate offer (for example, offer Azoogle CPA) you want to promote throughAdwords?
You choose keywords competencies "for categories of affiliate offer askingIMeye to give key phrases:
Others have used the keyword phrase in the market class (eg, acne)
The monthly search volume is greater than 150,000
Adwords "cheap click" CPC <0.15You are now searching keywords shown to have an adequate and are cheap enough toto buy traffic and make money ... simple as that.

And that's just the beginning ...
Not much more than IMeye and many other ways you can use this tool. Trying toto put a document together with all its uses would be like trying to document all usesa hammer!
But I hope this gives you a great idea of ​​flexible, comprehensive and incredibly powerfulthis tool is and how easy it could be used to dramatically increase your subscribersonline revenue.
Now for the important part ...

click this out:  Imeye.Org